Cannot copy!!

Pete Holsberg pjh42 at
Sat Jul 14 17:31:38 UTC 2007

Joel Goguen keyed the following on 7/14/2007 12:40 PM:
>  Are you on a Windows box connected to Ubuntu through VNC? I've never
>  seen a VNC client on Windows allow copying from the VNC session to
>  Windows.
>  On 7/14/07, Pete Holsberg <pjh42 at> wrote:
> > I have a terminal open via a VNC session and I cannot copy a line
> > from the terminal screen to a program open in Windows!
> >
> > Is this the fault of "Terminal" or UltraVNC (or WINE)?

Yes, I am.

So you're saying that VNC is at fault???

Pete Holsberg
Columbus, NJ

Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first, the 
lesson afterwards.
- Sanders' Law

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