Low configuration

SteVe Cook yorvik.ubunto at googlemail.com
Fri Jul 13 18:16:30 UTC 2007

Allan Valeriano wrote:
>     Hi Allan,
>     You might want to try Puppy linux which is intended for old low spec
>     boxes.
>     http://www.puppylinux.org
>     Another option is Tiny Linux
>     http://tiny.seul.org/en/
> I thought about the Xubuntu cuz it's the distro I'm using at home, and 
> as it is getting very popular it wouln't be too hard to find on internet 
> how to configure things there. Considering that I'm a newbie myself 
> (I've used just VI, to program while in college), also getting rid of 
> windows, having her to use the same distro as me would help things out a 
> lot.
> Thanks anyway for the help, I'll check them out tonight when I get home.
> Allan
Xubuntu will install from the alternate disc, but will take an absolute 
age.  Sometimes it looks like nothing is happening at all, you just have 
to leave it to get on with it.  If you can borrow some memory from 
another machine for the installation and set-up it would speed things up 
no end.
Provided she doesn't open more then two or three windows it is quite 
usable, but starting programs will take as long, if not longer then WinXP.

If you try Xubuntu just be patient.

Good luck.


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