Dummy Question-Client For MS Network Or Samba AS Server?

Leonard Chatagnier lenc5570 at sbcglobal.net
Fri Jul 13 14:43:53 UTC 2007

Please consider me as a complete dummy on networking/samba setup.  I have an Ubuntu Feisty computer and a WinXP computer on my 2WIRE 1701HG DSL router/modem combo.  Ubuntu is direct wired and WXP is wlaned with a Linksys WMP54Fv4.0 adapter. Ubuntu can see the shares on the WXP but WXP is not aware that Ubuntu exists; can't map network drives from WXP and can't access shares from Ubuntu.  Have tried Samba setup several times over the years but never successful.  My main question is server/client related:
What should be the server(from Ubuntu operability viewpoint), Samba or Client for Microsoft Networks?
I understand, right or wrongly, that one must be the server; the other the client...???  I can't determine from the properties if "Client for MS Networks is setup as server or client under the default WXP setup but can select from menu which it's to be.
Yes, I've read all about Networking/Samba at:
http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty not to mention googling now and over time on this subject as suggested in a previous post.
I can certainly use any enlightenment or whatever before attempting another Samba/WXP setup.

Leonard Chatagnier
lenc5570 at sbcglobal.net
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