GIMP plugin DBP (David's Batch Processor) for Ubuntu?
Ed Smits
ed.smits at
Mon Jul 2 17:04:46 UTC 2007
The problem is that my wife is in Europe taking pictures and wants to
send me the images, but needs to resize them. I managed to get her on
to Feisty a week before going, but won't even try to get her to do
command line stuff, my marriage is fragile enough as it is.
I was able to put together an FAQ for her using gThumb, for resizing
batches it worked fine, I just got my first dozen pics from her, so
that's solved. However the plugin in question, David's Batch Processor
( will do all sorts of other things as well:
turn, blur, color, resize, crop, sharpen, rename etc., I think all
would agree that this is a useful batch processor. So far she knows
how to use Thunar's Bulk Rename and gThumb, maybe for now that's
enough until I get over there with her.
So, no one knows how to get David's Batch Processor working with Ubuntu?
On 7/2/07, Sven Richter <sveri-list at> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Monday 02 July 2007 15:29:39 Ed Smits wrote:
> > Running Feisty, need to batch resize lots of images, want to use the
> > GIMP plugin DBP
> >
> >
> >
> > I can't get it to make, errors out when I try using both the latest
> > source code as well as an earlier version. I have build essentials
> > installed.
> >
> >
> >
> > says that I need to have gimptool, and the gimp-devel packages as well
> > installed, yet I can find no track of them in Synaptic.
> >
> > Anyone have this plugin working who can tell me how to do it?
> >
> I dont know anything about the plugin, but resizing can be simply done
> with imagemagick.
> F.I. put these lines in a bash script and execute it:
> for file in `ls *.jpg`
> do
> convert -scale 140x140 $file klein/$file
> done
> Thats it, it resizes every jpg file in the folder you startet
> it to 140x140 and copies it to the "klein" directory.
> You could put some things around it, like writing
> a simple html page into a file.
> Just as an idea what imagemagick and bash can
> do for you.
> Greetings
> Sven Richter
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