google desktop out for linux?

mustafa lordverminard at
Mon Jul 2 00:39:25 UTC 2007

Felipe Figueiredo wrote:
> Sven,
> On 6/30/07, Sven Richter <sveri-list at> wrote:
>> Hm, ok, thats a point, and this is how google works, offering
>> something others dont offer, for nothing else than your privacy.
>> If you want to pay with it, so do it.
>> I myself got my own domain, this is the price i pay monthly.
> And where are your emails stored, and your domain hosted? In your own
> machine, that no one else has access to, or in a remote server? What's
> the difference between your mail being stored in an ISP, google or a
> rental server (in respect to your privacy)?
> I'm not crying wolf here, but I though a bit about this before
> creating my gmail account (considering the ads stuff, the indexing my
> data, and all other evil possibilities that came through my mind),
> weighted it, and concluded the cost of total privacy exceeds my
> budget. Nevertheless, I have access to email accounts in my university
> which I can trust more or less, knowing personally the sysadmins, and
> there's always cryptography.
> You can "trust" one particular company better than another, or you can
> trust no-one. That never changes the fact that your emails fly plain
> text over the net (well, not in google's case, if the other end
> supports SSL), just asking to be sniffed by malicious people. There
> are too much variables, and the email is needed. One has (as you seem
> to have done) to weight one's needs and the known hazards to choose
> the best possible solution.
> But there is no privacy nirvana to be bought. You are always exposed
> on the net (afaik, please prove me wrong).
> regards
> FF
well secure email is really easy to achive. but both parties need to
agree to need it. i am ofcourse talking about public-private key
encryption. eg gpg.

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