Remote root ssh

Eric S. Johansson esj at
Sun Jul 1 21:08:33 UTC 2007

Scott Lockwood wrote:

> Root also must be allowed to login remotely via ssh - which is a really,
> really bad idea.

:-)  must like traveling hours to use the console :-).  I bet you would be 
uncomfortable with my process elevation technique for cgi and other automated 
processes.  using visudo:

ALL ALL =  NOPASSWD: /usr/local/bin/

    runs xyzzy as root no password.

ALL ALL = (www-data) NOPASSWD: /home/esj/

    runs as www-data

same risk as with any other permissions elevation situation but has the 
advantage of not needing to create any set u/g id wrappers.   this trick is not 
for the careless.

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