
Robert Mills rmills at alumni.nd.edu
Wed Jan 31 17:05:45 UTC 2007

> > > Do you use the Linux version and are there any difficulties in the
> > > installation process? Is there a gui for Hamachi or is everything done
> > > from a terminal? Finally, are there any issues with security that one
> > > should be aware of?
> >
> > I think the only issues with security are the same ones that you should have
> > with the Windows version - you're trusting that Hamachi themselves aren't
> > doing anything with your data as you don't have (aiui) true end-to-end
> > encryption, and even if you do, you don't have _proof_ of end-to-end
> > encryption.
> I do understand that but I do not have access to my bank on my windows
> machine nor do I use it for buying items on the internet. However, this
> is all on my Ubuntu machine hence my question.

Aside from the trust you need to have in LogMeIn not to be shady, look
at it like the security of your WLAN.  Is your network name ambiguous
enough that no one will really be able to guess it?  Is your network
password a strong password?  Is your root password a strong password?
Are all of your user passwords strong passwords (insert google link
for "strong password enforcement + nsa")?  Are any shares correctly
restricted with the proper permissions?  So as long as people can't
easily get on your WLAN without being "1337", and if they do, they
can't do anything harmful, then you're fine.  Hamachi doesn't open up
any holes (so far) that aren't already there within your WLAN.  And
even if someone is able to get into your Hamachi network, you're able
to evict people (banned by Hamachi IP which is constant until you

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