
norman norman at littletank.org
Wed Jan 31 08:49:12 UTC 2007

> > > Currently, I use an old windows machine to run Hamachi, so that my
> > > brother and I can play bridge, as partners, against the computer running
> > > Bridge Baron. I would prefer to use my Ubuntu machine and am able to run
> > > Bridge Baron using Crossover.
> > > 
> > > I would like to learn whether anyone has experience of using Hamachi
> > > under Ubuntu. Any advice would be very welcome and thanks in advance.
> Sorry to reply from this part of the thread, but I missed the original
> message. 
> What issues/questions did you have regarding hamachi?  Several of us in
> the same office use it all the time from Ubuntu (Dapper and Edgy) and it
> has worked flawlessly thus far.  

Do you use the Linux version and are there any difficulties in the
installation process? Is there a gui for Hamachi or is everything done
from a terminal? Finally, are there any issues with security that one
should be aware of?


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