Dual boot, but with two Linuxes

Derek Broughton news at pointerstop.ca
Tue Jan 30 03:19:27 UTC 2007

Duncan Lithgow wrote:

> On Mon, 2007-01-29 at 10:21 -0400, Derek Broughton wrote:
> ...
> From the tone and content of your reply Derek, I'll assume you haven't
> tried GAG for more than a very short time, and that you probably don't
> intend to. 

Of course I don't - it provides nothing that I can't do with grub, just as

> But I won't correct the small errors in your text  

Good argument.  Accuse me of unspecified errors.

> - people can do their homework and decide for themselves.
> So, to recap: GRUB can be a boot manager and kernel manager, GAG can be
> a boot manager - they can both do useful stuff.

You missed in the recap that grub comes as part of the Ubuntu distro, but
you have to go to sourceforge to get a copy of gag, and it still can't do
anything you couldn't do with grub.

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