VNC Server

Dave Howorth dhoworth at
Fri Jan 26 15:42:01 UTC 2007

N. Pauli wrote:
> On Fri, 26 Jan, Dick Dowdell wrote:
>> I would like to use VNC to manage a remote Ubuntu 6.0 Server.  I
>> assume that I will need to install X11 as well as the VNC server.
>> I'm new to Linux and could use guidance from anyone who has the
>> requisite knowledge.
>> Regards, Dick Dowdell
> 'The Ubuntu Guide' in section
> 1.19.7 SSH Server gives a good rundown of all the commands that you
> need to manage a remote server without having to install VNC.

One thing that doesn't seem to be mentioned there is that you can use
any graphical applications through ssh with the -X option. There's no
need for VNC to run graphical applications. e.g.

  ssh -X some_server


> I do understand what you say about being new to GNU/Linux but the ssh
> route is the preferable way to go - and you may well find that it's
> actually simpler than coping with VNC.

Cheers, Dave

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