Survey for people who contribute online information

Andy Oram andyo at
Thu Jan 25 12:34:57 UTC 2007

I figured this would interest people on technical mailing

Do you answer questions on mailing lists about how to use a
software tool or language? Do you write documentation, put
up web pages, or contribute to wikis about software?

If so, please take our survey to help O'Reilly do research
that will be published on the O'Reilly web site. It could
help software projects and communities get more such

We're interested in hearing only from people who do this for
non-monetary reasons.

Andy Oram  O'Reilly Media                     email: andyo at
Editor     10 Fawcett Street                       voice: 617-499-7479
           Cambridge, MA 02138-1175                  fax: 617-661-1116
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The Bug in the Seven Modules     Code the Obscure     The Disconnected

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