Where has ubuntu-desktop gone?

Peter Garrett peter.garrett at optusnet.com.au
Wed Jan 24 14:17:09 UTC 2007

On Wed, 24 Jan 2007 14:21:55 +0100
"Ben Edwards" <funkytwig at gmail.com> wrote:

> Tried 'apt-get install ubuntu-desktop' to make sure I had everything
> for the standard desktop installed.
> It did not work saying it had a reference to the package but the
> package douse not exist.
> I am using Edgy.
> Any ideas?

Yes. Check that your /etc/apt/sources.list is correct , and run 

sudo apt-get update        when it is fixed :)

(ubuntu-desktop is in the "main" repository, unsurprisingly ... so if it
is lost, something is wrong with your sources.list )

If your list seems broken beyond repair, go to 


To generate a new one, move the broken one out of the way with

sudo mv /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.broken

and put the shiny new one in its place as /etc/apt/sources.list , then
update again as above.


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