Best Solution for Transfering Files

Thomas Kaiser ubuntu at
Wed Jan 24 12:00:31 UTC 2007

Amichai Rotman wrote:
 > Hi all
 > What would be the best solution to transfer files to my home computer 
from my work computer?
 > Currently I have a CLI SSH client on the WinXP machine at work (Putty).
 > I thought maybe set up an FTP server at home and transfer the files 
this way, but it seems very unsecured.
 > The WinSCP client I use from my parent's house does not work for me 
due to security policies implemented  at my workplace's network...
 > 1) Any other / better solution?
 > 2) Any way to make WinSCP (or a similar app) work?
 > I'll appreciate your thoughts regarding this issue,
 > Thanks!

Hello Amichai

Why is WinSCP not working, when Putty is ok?

You could build a ssh tunnel with Putty from your work machine to your 
home machine. With WinSCP you can then connect to the end of the tunnel 
at the work machine (connect to localhost:22).



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