Fwd: Welcome to The UbuCon - New York City - February 16, 2007

John Mark Walker johnmark at johnmark.org
Wed Jan 24 10:24:18 UTC 2007


Just thought I would pass this along. If you're in the NYC area, we
hope you'll come by.

-John Mark

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: John Mark Walker <johnmark at johnmark.org>
Date: Jan 24, 2007 2:21 AM
Subject: Welcome to The UbuCon - New York City - February 16, 2007

Hello folks,

I am happy to tell you about the 2nd UbuCon, an Ubuntu user and
developer event, to take place at Google's New York City offices on
February 16. Some of you may recall that the first UbuCon was held in
August at Google headquarters in Mountain View, CA.

Sign up for the mailing list:
Visit/edit/add to the wiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TheUbucon
Read the blog: http://theubucon.blogspot.com/

February 16 will be a special day for Ubuntu users and the Ubuntu
curious. If you're already an Ubuntu user, come on by - tell your
story of how you're using Ubuntu Linux; help out at the installfest;
or just hang out with some interesting people. If you're not an Ubuntu
user, then here is your chance to learn what the fuss is about.

The UbuCon New York will be held at the brand new Google offices in
Manhattan, located at  76 9th Avenue (or 111 8th Ave, depending on
which side of the building you enter). Part un-conference, part
installfest, and part user group meeting, The UbuCon will take place
simultaneously in one large auditorium and 3 - 6 small (~20 people)
conference rooms. Lunch will be served on-site.

Participants and attendees are all welcome, and true to form with free
software, everyone can be both. If you have an Ubuntu story to tell,
whether it's as a sysadmin, developer, or home user, please tell us
about it.

If you're interested in participating or helping out in some way, the
first IRC meeting will take place this Friday, 6pm ET on #ubucon on

I hope to see you there. Please forward this to whoever you think
would benefit. If you plan to attend, please RSVP. There is a limit of
200 people.

John Mark Walker
Founder, The UbuCon
Community Manager, Hyperic

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