Palm Pilot no longer connects after upgrade to Edgy

Richard Mancusi vrman49 at
Wed Jan 24 05:00:28 UTC 2007

On 1/23/07, Dave M G <martin at> wrote:
> Ubuntu Users,
> I recently upgraded from Dapper to Edgy.
> Now my Palm Pilot won't connect anymore using J-Pilot.
> While using Dapper, my kernel version was, which supposedly had
> fixed earlier Palm Pilot problems. So while using Dapper, the Palm Pilot
> was working fine.
> No configuration settings have been altered, other than the upgrade to Edgy.
> Any ideas why this might have impacted my Palm Pilot?
> --
> Dave M G

Dave what are you using? version of JPilot, Palm device and
USB or serial sync.

I sync a Treo 680 (USB) on both Dapper and Edgy.  However, my
Edgy install was fresh, not an upgrade - perhaps that is an issue.


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