Multi Monitor config

N. Pauli npauli at
Tue Jan 23 10:06:14 UTC 2007

On Tue, 23 Jan, stan wrote:
> I have a Sun Ultra 40 which has a dual output Nvidia card. Today I decided
> to play with this.
> I was able to go into the (Gnome) hardware settings menu, and become 
> administrator, then I set up the 2nd monitor. But I could not
> find a "save settings" choice. After exiting I determined that no
> changes had been made to teh xorg.conf file.
> What am I missing?
First, don't bother with the ubuntu 'nvidia-glx' package - it's v. 8776 and is a bit out of date and gave me problems. Instead use the latest drivers from Nvidia (currently v.9746.

The easiest way to do this is to go to and follow the instructions for METHOD 2. The only slight gotcha I found in these instructions was that my --kernel-source-path=/usr/src/linux-headers-`uname -r` and not /usr/src/kernel-headers-`uname -r` as in the instructions.

Next, go to and follow the instructions there. What's really great with this How To from Steve Fink is that he explains what each config option is all about. The only point where I tripped up was realizing that my two TFT monitors have to be described as "crt,crt" in Option "ConnectedMonitor". I also couldn't get twinview to work until I restricted Option "Metamodes" to just "1280x1024,1280x1024; 1280x1024,NULL"
Nigel Pauli
Network Manager
St. John's School, Northwood

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