Long periods of screen inactivity while the HD churns

N. Pauli npauli at st-johns.org.uk
Mon Jan 22 21:46:52 UTC 2007

Dear All,

I'm running Ubuntu Edgy on an Intel Celeron machine with a 1.3 Ghz processor, 1 Gig of RAM, and a GeForce 6200 card with 256 Mb [Nvidia driver version 1.0-9746]. I'm also running in twin view mode.

What I'm finding is that I'm using diddly-squat of my CPU or RAM and yet starting apps can be like I'm on a Pentium 90 and launching OO.Org is definitely an opportunity to go away and make a coffee. Just starting up Nautilus just now took over 30 secs of the hard drive light burning constantly with nothing to show.

Does anybody have a clue what can be causing this?


Nigel Pauli
Network Manager
St. John's School, Northwood

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