Can not get french characters working (edgy, urgent)

norman norman at
Mon Jan 22 13:26:12 UTC 2007

On Mon, 2007-01-22 at 13:46 +0100, tchize wrote:
> Hello, am facing this problem with my kubuntu:
> Typing some special characters that need you to press several keys in a
> row (eg ^e for ê) simply does not work, what ever combinaison of keybord
> layout / variant i choose.
> I can have the ê ö or ì characters inside thunderbird and firefox, but
> it fails in every kde apps and in openoffice. Imagine how much it's
> impossible to type a document when you can't type the correct letters...
> I have a belgian keyboard layout.
> I tried the generic 104,105, 101 key keyboard and the dell multimedia
> keyboard, in all variants. Depending on the variant, i either have no ^
> character or it does not combine with the following vowel and outputs
> ^e  šo or `i
> I need it to be solved quickly, anyone can help?

Does the use of Character help? Also, if using openoffice what about the
French dictionary?


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