"Cheap Soundcard" problem

Brian Fahrlander brian at fahrlander.net
Mon Jan 22 02:37:34 UTC 2007

Hash: SHA1

Peter Garrett wrote:
> On Sun, 21 Jan 2007 15:54:53 -0600
> Brian Fahrlander <brian at fahrlander.net> wrote:
>>  2: Figure out what I'm doing wrong with ESD; I've never done
>> *anything* from the default...it's running...the perms on the device are
>> right...it just won't play a second stream, and it needs to.
> I'm not familiar with your sound card, but it may be that you don't need
> esd at all. Here I can play multiple streams without it. The down sides as
> far as I can see are:
> * No system sounds in GNOME ( i.e. no sounds on click etc. , startup,
> mouseover in Nautilus)
> Up side: not having to constantly do "killall esd " to get my sound back
> The first thing to try might be
> $  gnome-sound-properties
> Disable esd there and see what happens 
> $ gstreamer-properties
> I have input and output set to "alsa"
> I think in most cases dmix takes care of things, but I don't know how this
> works for your setup and card

    Spectacular!  I now have multiple sounds again, which is great. But
how in the world does having ESD *not* allow you what it was designed
for?  (Rhetorical...)

- --
 Brian Fahrländer                 Christian, Conservative, and Technomad
 Evansville, IN                              http://Fahrlander.net/brian
 ICQ: 5119262                         AOL/Yahoo/GoogleTalk: WheelDweller
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