add/remove software

Andy stude.list at
Sun Jan 21 18:19:11 UTC 2007

On 21/01/07, Erik Schmidt <eschmidt90 at> wrote:
> when I type "locate 'stdio.h'", it gives me the location of the file
> nostdio.h and its in a perl folder

that's not the file you need. Just to make sure, you did do 'sudo
updatedb' first?

Can you type:
$ dpkg --list build-essential

$ dpkg --list '*libc6*'

Look for a lines that mention libc6 and libc6-dev,
if they start ii they are installed
if they start un they're not.
Anything else then they may be partially installed.

Main should be enabled to start with.

Sorry if you allready told us this but what version of Ubuntu are you
using? 6.06 or 6.10?

_ Andy

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