Why is adding a new Ubuntu PC to an existing LAN such a pain?

Dieter Schicker dieter.schicker at uni-graz.at
Sun Jan 21 08:58:27 UTC 2007

IMHO this in not an issue of "static" or "dynamic".

Where exactly is the pain in filling in 7 lines in a file and then
restarting a service????

1) /etc/network/interfaces:

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
        address w.x.y.z
        network x.y.z.0
        broadcast x.y.z.255
        gateway x.y.z.1

2) /etc/init.d/networking restart


Mario Vukelic wrote:
> On Sun, 2007-01-21 at 00:08 +0000, Bob Adams wrote:
>> Because I do not have a DHCP server 
> It's kind of tangential to the actual problem, but can't you install a
> DHCP server on one of the machines?
>> and also because I want to use the
>> same addresses as my Windows PC's.
> (See John R Cichy's reply)
>>>> (Ubuntu assumes a server
>>>> will be present which is not a really good idea.)
>>> Which Ubuntu version is this?
>> 6.10
> I was asking because older Ubuntu versions were blocking on boot,
> waiting to receive an IP via DHCP if they were configured for DHCP.
> Current Ubuntu versions however don't do this usually. I wonder why they
> do in your case.
> Anyway, if you don't have DHCP just set them to static. Go to menu
> System/Administration/Networking. Select "Wired Connection", click
> Properties, and set the Configuration menu to "static". Then enter the
> network data (make sure all IPs are used only once on the entire
> network)

Dieter Schicker
Server- und Netzwerkadministration, Applikationsentwicklung, Lehre
Institut für Informationsverarbeitung in den Geisteswissenschaften
Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz
Merangasse 70
A-8020 Graz
Tel.: ++43(0)316-380-8012
Student of Computer Science
Graz University of Technology
schicker at student.tugraz.at

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