Screen Resolution Issues

Clive Menzies clive at
Thu Jan 18 16:16:53 UTC 2007

On (18/01/07 10:59), Seraph wrote:
> Hello All,
> While I am fairly new to Ubuntu, I'm not entirely new to Linux. (I've used
> Ubuntu 5.10 once, and various flavors of XandrOS, Fedora Core, etc.) And,
> quite frankly, am at a loss as to how to get my screen resolution higher
> than 1024x768. I'm sure you get questions such as this all the time, but
> I've used distro's where I never had to change text in a file to get my
> screen resolution higher. Quick answers would be greatly appreciated!!

$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg

will take you a series of questions re your h/w; accecpt the defaults
except for where it asks about screen resolution options.



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