anacron and cron and laptop usage

ben darby ben at
Thu Jan 18 09:23:56 UTC 2007

* ben darby wrote:
> * Georg Sauthoff wrote:
> > On 2007-01-16, ben darby <ben at> wrote:
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > >> Or one could use a cron daemon, where you are able to specify execution
> > >> times like '7.30h or first time after that, but only once a day'. If the
> > >> daemon uses sleep(3) this behaviour should be trivial to implement.
> > 
> > > this already exists anacron and what it was specifically designed for,
> > > have you read 'man anacron'?
> > 
> > sure - no offense, but do you have read this thread? Or what passage of
> > the man page are you referring to?
> > 
> > To repeat the issue: I _am_ using anacron. With the default config anacron
> > is only started at system startup and at 7:30 AM once a day, but only if
> > the computer is running at that time. Thus if you only suspend your
> > computer all the time - and it is never online at 7:30 - anacron is
> > never ran again. I.e. anacron needs to run at least one time a day.
> im refering to the whole section at the start of the man page, but i've found a
> link that might give a clearer explanation for you.

you didnt mention whether your using the laptop from AC or battery
power? as if your running from the battery and charging while its turned
off, anacron by default will not run so as not to drain the battery
power, but will be run as soon as its pluged into AC and running.

ben darby
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