Getting a tty in vmware (was Re: vmware + ubuntu )

Peter Garrett peter.garrett at
Mon Jan 15 01:46:41 UTC 2007

On Mon, 15 Jan 2007 03:01:27 +0530
"Kamal Paryani" <kamalparyani at> wrote:

> in vmware i am not able to switch to tty1 using
> ctrl+alt+space+f1

Open a terminal ( e.g. Applications - Accessories - Terminal in GNOME )

sudo chvt 1

You are dumped to tty 1

Login, do your stuff , then

sudo chvt 7

to return to the desktop, which runs on tty7.

The Ctrl-Alt-F1  combo can never work on vmware, since it uses "ctrl-alt"
to release "grab" ( at least on vmplayer which is what I was using to test
the chvt command).  

"chvt"  means "change virtual terminal - it requires sudo or root
privileges as above. 

Seemed to work OK here :)


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