vmware + ubuntu

Guillermo Garron guillermo.fedora at gmail.com
Sun Jan 14 22:08:56 UTC 2007

On 1/14/07, Kamal Paryani <kamalparyani at gmail.com> wrote:
> hi
> i am very new to linux
> i have a intel P965  motherboard with core 2 duo 1.86 ghz processor with
> sata 160 gb hard disk
> my ubuntu cd boots from my ide cdrom but does not load driver for cdrom and
> cannot continue installation
If I understand well this is problem # 1, when you use the Live CD, it
starts, but because it does not charge the CD driver it just HALTs?

> i have installed windows xp sp2 and then installed vmware server 1.01 and
> used vmware to install ubuntu desktop 6.1
> in vmware i am not able to switch to tty1 using
> ctrl+alt+space+f1
This is your problem, number 2, I have also VMware installed on
Ubuntu, and Fedora, and other Distros on this VMware and also could
not ever be able to switch to tty1.
Guillermo Garron
"Linux IS user friendly... It's just selective about who its friends are."
(Using FC6, CentOS4.4 and Ubuntu 6.06)

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