Is Edgy Desktop CD and use to reduce internet load when upgrading

Peter Garrett peter.garrett at
Sat Jan 13 05:37:37 UTC 2007

On Fri, 12 Jan 2007 16:00:51 +0100
"Ben Edwards" <funkytwig at> wrote:

> So my question is if I do a apt-cdrom with the Edgy
> Desktop CD and then start a normal internet upgrade will it take a lot
> of the packages of the CD?

My understanding is that the desktop CDs do not include a full set of
packages - which is why the "alternate"  CD is recommended for the
"apt-cdrom add " methods.

( <pedantic> 
should be "alternative CD", in the language I was taught, but never mind ;)
</pedantic> ) 

I think a few packages are included on the Desktop CD - they appear to be
in the /media/cdrom0/pool   directory on 6.06 LTS,  here . ( with the
Desktop CD loaded in my first cdrom drive, of course )


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