Vote for new Ubuntu Feature---Let's try it again --- and without getting all religious about it

Matthew Clarke mj3clark at
Fri Jan 12 16:58:57 UTC 2007

On 1/11/07, Jeffrey F. Bloss <jbloss at> wrote:
> Matthew Clarke wrote:
> A user's lack of experience is no reason to cripple an operating
> system's security even a little, and state of mind is a personal
> problem that no operating system in the world can address. Take a nap,
> take a breath, and learn to use the tools at your disposal. This "can't
> save a file" canard is such an utterly simple thing to avoid it's
> hardly worth consideration, and the fact that it's such an issue with
> some people speaks volumes about consumer grade mentality and
> absolutely nothing about Ubuntu or any other Linux/BSD/OSX/ETC
> distribution built atop an operating system which makes a clear
> distinction between users and administrators.

Again, I'll let the experts debate the actual security aspects.  My
take on the Ubuntu project is:
1) become a mainstream widely-used, non-technical user operating
system (see bug #1 on launchpad), with great usability and
cutting-edge features.
2) maintain and nurture the ability for power-users to modify,
improve, hack to their hearts content.

There is obviously tension between these two goals.  But also synergies too.

Because of #1, then "consumer-grade" mentality is going to become the
norm.  :)  Because of goal #1, there should be many many more
non-power users converting to ubuntu.

I think you're right about the file-saving thing being a red-herring
(or canard... good word.)  My feelings on the matter are that for most
non-power users ubuntu should provide GUI configuration panels--that
ask for the sudo password upfront.  ubuntu seems to be going this way,
but still needs work...

Then power users that like the flexibility and power of config files
will have to adhere to the principle of "sudo first".  No biggie,
because you've made the choice to hack on your system--learn the

As someone else mentioned, lessons from OSX are probably worth
learning from...  seeing as it is a slick GUI apparently built on top
of a 'nix platform.


Matthew Clarke

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