Vote for new Ubuntu Feature---Let's try it again

alex aradsky at
Fri Jan 12 16:32:59 UTC 2007

Peter Garrett wrote:

>On Thu, 11 Jan 2007 19:06:17 -0500
>alex <aradsky at> wrote:
>>Addressing the problem of editing and saving the changes to an unsavable 
>>menu.lst .....
>>Before attempting to save, run the following:
>>    sudo chmod go+rw /boot/grub/menu.lst
>No. As I and others have pointed out, changing permissions in such a
>manner is a Bad Thing (tm) . The changes would need to be reverted
>afterwards, ( which is easily forgotten, and requires knowing what the
>original settings were),  and it is unnecessary anyway, since running your
>editor with sudo/gksudo achieves the same purpose, without the risk of
>opening vital files that should retain their restricted permissions.
If I recall correctly, I was working an editor as root at the time I 
tried to save to menu.list and even root couldn't save.

The reason why I used 'sudo chmod go+rw /boot/grub/menu.list' is that I 
thought 'go' gave permission only to root and a user which I felt 
offered more security than 'a'. 

I was in the process of  configuring  menu.list to include 6 additional 
linux systems besides Windows and UBUNTU and they were done one at a 
time while running UBUNTU with testing in between.  I do understand now 
that I could have used sudo/gksudo but at the time, I wasn't aware of 
this command.

I have since configured menu.list in all 7 linux systems to permit any 
of them to become a default booter.(just in case)


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