Upgrading to Edgy using CD / backing up whole system

Ben Edwards funkytwig at gmail.com
Fri Jan 12 09:35:04 UTC 2007

I want to upgrade to Edgy but have a internet deal capped at 3 gig
which is not very fast.  I have the Edgy Desktop CD and want to
upgrade taking as many packages as possible from it.  I guess I need
to do apt-cdrom to register the CD as a apt source but what exactly do
I do after that.

Also before doing this I want to back up by whole system to an
external USB drive.  I guess I will need to go into single user mode
and manually mount the drive (should be able to work this out but
pointers would be good).  I am planing on creating a directory on the
drive (i.e. /backup) and copying /. to it.  So the copy command would
be something like

cp -r -f -v -p -u -x /. /media/temp/backup

-r recursive
-f force, stops over write warnings
-v verbost
-p permisions
-u update, only copies changed files
-x stay on file system, stops problems with symbolic linl loops etc.

Douse this seem correct, have I missed anything?

Ben Edwards - Brussels, Belgium & Bristol, UK
If you have a problem emailing me use
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