Gnome Restart - help

John Dangler jdangler at
Thu Jan 11 23:44:34 UTC 2007

I did a synaptic upgrade today.  All of a sudden, I'm logged out of
gnome and taken back to the gdm login.  I look in preferences, thinking
that it a session time out has somehow been set.  I'm looking in the
screensavers, and I notice its random.  I start looking at the
individual screensavers starting from the bottom of the installed
screensavers.  I come to an entry (I don't which one it is), and I am
logged out again.

Now, since that entry was the last entry I selected, every time I go
into screensavers under system->preferences, I am immediately logged

Can someone here point me as to where this is stored so I can change it
and find the borked screensaver ???


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