Vote for new Ubuntu Feature---Let's try it again

Jeffrey F. Bloss jbloss at
Wed Jan 10 04:24:50 UTC 2007

Robert Aldridge wrote:

> >>From: Wulfy <wulfmann at>
> >>
> >>OK.  Let's work this through.  If I sudo <command> (and am
> >>authorised to so that command) my privileges are upped to root (or
> >>whatever is given to me in the sudoers file).  Does that only work
> >>for that one command? Do I have to use sudo for every command and
> >>put my password in each time?
> Try doing 'sudo su' in a terminal (console/Konsole, whatever) when
> you want to do several commands as root.  This promotes you to root
> until you enter the command 'exit' which drops you back to your user
> account.

The right way to do this is 'sudo -i'. This starts your interactive
shell and resets the environment to root's, unlike 'sudo su' or even
'su -'.

To be honest, I've never seen anyone use 'sudo su' before. Sems to work
just like 'su', but to my way of thinking this is like saying "give me
permission to become as root so I can run a command that makes me
root". And if you look in auth.log Id' wager you'll see just that.
"Root became root" or something to the effect. The programmer side of
me, if it were in knee jerk mode,  would label anything that happens
after that as "undefined behavior". ;)

     _?_      Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend.
    (o o)         Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.
-oOO-(_)--OOo-------------------------------[ Groucho Marx ]--
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