Change Permissions on a new hard drive to allow

James Gray james at
Wed Jan 10 01:19:07 UTC 2007

On Wednesday 10 January 2007 07:18, mtyoung wrote:
> James,
> Thanks for the answer, wish I'd seen it sooner. Now I just need to learn
> what "-R a+rw *" means. Hopefully the link will will help.

-R = recurse the directory tree
a+rw = a=all users (ie, user+group+other), +rw=add read and write permissions 
to whatever is already there. So if a file/directory was 
originally -rwxr-x--x the use of "a+rw" will turn it into -rwxrwxrwx.

Make sense?


Political history is far too criminal a subject to be a fit thing to
teach children.
                -- W.H. Auden
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