Resize Ubuntu

Mark Warner markwarner1954 at
Mon Jan 8 17:27:24 UTC 2007

Bjørn Ingmar Berg wrote:
> Naturally.  :-)  The reason is simple.  This christmas brought "Myst,
> the collection" to me.  (
> )  My wife and I had great fun playing the first iteration of Myst.
> So now we want to play the whole thing together.  And if I get it
> running on my laptop we can play it while sitting in the favourite
> sofa rather than down in the home-office where the desktop machines
> are.
> I realise that there are probably ways to get the game running under
> Ubuntu, like Qemu or Wine.  But I suspect that will take more time for
> me to figure out than biting the bullet and (temporarily) run windows
> again.

If that's all you want it for, then I'd definitely go the MVWare Server

Mark Warner
lose .inhibitions when replying

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