sudo and PATH?

Derek Broughton news at
Mon Jan 8 14:08:52 UTC 2007

Martin Marcher wrote:

> Hello,
> Am 05.01.2007 um 20:01 schrieb Matt Price:
>> but this of course doesn't extend over to sudo  Is there a way to
>> change
>> sudo's path, preferably permanently and for every user?
> have a look a man sudoers(5) and search for "env_reset" and
> "env_keep" and also the "env_" options in general.

I'm not sure that's made it any clearer to me.
> And please do use "visudo" to edit the file...

One of those really stupid legacy unixisms.  For years I _didn't_ use visudo
(without problems) because I refuse to use vi.  Then I realized it doesn't
really use vi (unless that's your default editor).

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