bye to ubuntu + many thanks

Jeffrey F. Bloss jbloss at
Sat Jan 6 19:42:00 UTC 2007

ac wrote:

> After a couple of years with suse I have just moved all my machines
> to kubuntu!

I'm a Fedora convert.

Someone decided I should have a shiny new laptop for Christmas so I did
some homework, and came to the conclusion that Ubuntu would be the least
painful distribution for near-bleeding-edge hardware compatibility. Had
the freshly burned CD waiting on my desk when I brought my new toy
home. Never even booted the preinstalled version of Windows XP
"Media Center Edition". Whatever the hell that is.

I liked Ubuntu and its Debian roots so much I wiped and reinstalled my
underused home server with 6.06.1 LTS. It use to be a Core 3 box that
doubled as an extra workstation. Needed cleaned up anyway. 

I have another workstation running Core 4 with Core 6 CD's sitting on
top. Shut it off about a week and a half ago and haven't touched it
since. I think the ol' lady fired it up last weekend and played some
solitaire. One of these days I'll get around to putting the Core 6 CD's
in a drawer some place and burning a copy of Feisty [sic].


I have zero clues whether it's Toshiba-laptop-centric or not, but I've
got a still shrink wrapped, 2-CD-set copy of Windows XP "Media Center
Edition" (whatever the hell that is) laying around here somewhere if
anyone is interested. ;-)

     _?_      Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend.
    (o o)         Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.
-oOO-(_)--OOo-------------------------------[ Groucho Marx ]--
    grok!              Registered Linux user #402208
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