Possible to remove peter at gizmoman.net from users list Was: The "peter at gizmoman.net" dilemma

Jeffrey F. Bloss jbloss at tampabay.rr.com
Thu Jan 4 21:44:53 UTC 2007

Derek Broughton wrote:

> David Hart wrote:
> > Take a look at the (forged) headers of the messages and you'll see
> > that they don't go through Ubunutu servers so there's nothing
> > (directly) that the list admins can do about it.
> of course there is - just remove him from the list.  I don't think the
> headers are forged, it's just a very bad autoresponder.

Second that. I don't see any bounces either but someone forwarded me
one which included a copy of the message that was being returned. From
that sampling of 1 anyway, it appears the remote server is somehow using
Exim's "Envelope" header(s) as a return path. The bounced messages are
traveling through the list, and the bounces themselves are going direct
to (some) list subscribers. That's broken behavior on the remote end
because every message leaving the list has a valid Return-Path header as
far a I've seen. 

FWIW, I also tried sending mail direct to the peter@ address and didn't
get a bounce. Which suggests a *really* broken server on the peter@
end, and explains why the list software isn't automatically freezing and
then unsubscribing that account like it should. Mailman may not even be
aware there's a problem. :(

Again, that was from a sampling of one... some other cause or pattern
might be apparent to someone getting regular bounces???

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    (o o)         Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.
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