LaTeX, auctex, paralist & rubber

Alain Muls alain.muls at
Thu Jan 4 13:20:11 UTC 2007


I use LaTeX and edit documents in emacs using the auctex environment.

1. I use a lot the paralist environments and found a paralist.el(c) file 
installed, but I cannot find out how to use this file

2. I also want to use rubber for compiling, which let me auto-convert my figs 
to pstex/pstex_t (or pdf/pdt_t) according to what I use. How can I change the 
default latex compilation to the following command?

rubber --ps --pdf main

where main is the "master" document (which does not have always the same name)

3. spelling is OK, but it does not come up auto-magically, so I have to enable 
ispell/flyspell at every tex-file I load

Tx for any help

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