Gnome Keyboard Layout View

drew einhorn drew.einhorn at
Thu Jan 4 12:24:15 UTC 2007


The ¨dead keys¨ are not working!

And the Layout View from the Keyboard Indication shows a much more
complex keyboard than the one NoOp referred me to below.

Googling around I find that lots of folks are having lots of troubles switching
keyboard layouts with lots of languages and vintages of Ubuntu.

So far the only fix I have been able to find is to open a terminal
and type the command line:

   setxkbmap us


   setxkbmap es

as needed.  There were a couple other solutions recommended on the
web that did not solve the problem or were extremely cumbersome.

It's hard to believe that something so central to one of Ubuntu's core values:

    Every computer user should be able to use their software
    in the language of their choice.

would be so broken, but it is.

On 1/3/07, NoOp <glgxg at> wrote:
> drew einhorn wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > My daughter is attempting to use Edubuntu to work on Spanish documents.
> > We found the Keyboard Preferences and Layout View.
> >
> > But the Layout View displays the keyboard with such a tiny font that it is
> > nearly illegible on her laptop.  The annotations above the function keys are
> > completely illegible squiggles.
> >
> > Are there larger high resoultion images of the Spanish Keyboard with and
> > without "dead keys".  I have no idea what the "dead keys" are.
> >
> > We would like to print high res images of the keyboard and tape them to
> > the wall next to her computer until she becomes familiar with the layouts.
> >
> Here is what I would recommend:
> 1. Go to:
> 2. Scroll down to the Spanish keyboard layout
> 3. Right click the image and download - you'll get KB_Spanish.svg
> 4. Us the file browser (Nautilus) to go to the location where you saved
> the image. Double click the .svg file. This will bring up the image in
> the Gnome Image Viewer. The image will look odd with greyed out blocks,
> however if you print it, it will be a clean, clear, print - full page
> width - that you can use.
> Also, the above will provide you with an explanation of the meaning of
> "dead keys". However, it will not provide you with the function keys but
> Google should help you out there.
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Drew Einhorn

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