x2x or other program

Jeffrey F. Bloss jbloss at tampabay.rr.com
Wed Jan 3 23:58:21 UTC 2007

Felipe Alfaro Solana wrote:


> VNC is painfully slow and insecure (unless encapsulated inside a SSH
> tunnel).

I've been mulling over some VPN/SSH/RA/Forwarding type solutions for my
own home user level needs, and I'd just like a nit picky bit of a
clarification on the above.

Should there be a coma after "slow", or does SSH tunneling somehow
affect the performance of VNC in addition to the obvious security
benefits? :)


     _?_      Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend.
    (o o)         Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.
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