faster: Xen or qemu+kvm?

Felipe Alfaro Solana felipe.alfaro at
Tue Jan 2 23:04:29 UTC 2007

On 1/2/07, Christofer C. Bell <christofer.c.bell at> wrote:
> On 1/2/07, Felipe Alfaro Solana <felipe.alfaro at> wrote:
> > family of Windows pseudo-operating systems
> Windows isn't an operating system?  What bizarre definition of
> "operating system" are you using to come to this conclusion?

I'm using a bizarre and not-so-common definition that matches of a
free, open source, functional and secure building block that provides
ways to isolate processes between each other and offers enterprise
security mechanisms like mandatory access control, jails, an
integrated and fully-functional firewall, IPv6 and SCTP support,
modern and configurable TCP congestion algorithms, scalable and
configurable block layer elevators and cache subsystem, NFS, VRRP,
CARP, HostAP, bridging, traffic classification, load-balancing (i.e.
ECMP), packet capture tools, and things like that.

I should have probably stated that pseudo-operating system is my _own_
definition for Windows and won't probably match the common definition
of what an operating system means to most of the people. So, I want to
apologize if I offended anyone out there.

> Hint: If you want to evangalize Linux, that's great, don't do it by
> talking down to people who may like the software they're using.

I'm not trying to evangelize Linux per se, but trying to state that
most of the state-of-the-art features that all BSD systems and Linux
systems support are not yet supported by Windows, for example.

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