How to pass parameters to kernel modules

Mauro Grauso maurograuso at
Tue Jan 2 17:05:45 UTC 2007

After some extra research I've found out that Ubuntu uses modprobe.d
instead of modules.conf

So for anyone interested in how to pass parameters to boot up modules,
you just have to edit the file

and add the needed lines.

For me I added:
options sonypi camera=1
options meye gbuffers=32
options video_nr=0
options forcev4l1=1

and the camera works fine after a clean boot.


On 1/2/07, Mauro Grauso <maurograuso at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm installing Ubuntu on my new Sony Picturebook laptop. It is an
> ultra small device that also features a builtin camera.
> To make a long story short, the module that support the sony devices
> is "sonypi" and the module that support the camera is "meye". Both
> modules are loaded at startup, but they are not loaded with the
> correct parameters.
> If I unload the modules by hand and reload them with the correct
> parameters, the camera works beautifully.
> The parameters are the following:
> sonypi camera=1
> meye gbuffers=32 video_nr=0 forcev4l1=1
> My problem (and question) is to pass the correct parameters to the
> kernel at boot time.
> Which is the file and syntax to use? I tried various options
> (/boot/grub/menu.1st and /etc/modules) but nothing worked. The file
> /etc/modules.conf doesnt' exists in Ubuntu, so I'm clueless.
> Xubuntu 6.06
> linux 2.6.15-27-386
> I would appreciate any idea. Thanks.
> Mauro

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