problem installing grub

MICHAEL WEAVER michaelweaver1 at
Mon Jan 1 18:28:10 UTC 2007

When I tried to have Ubuntu Edgy installed on my desktop, the chap doing it 
temporarily installed a hard drive and he took out my Windows drive.
For some reason grub wouldn't install on this drive.
Why could this have happened?
He tried to install both with the Live and the Alternative CDs but still the 
same problem where my PC refused to boot.
Even temporarily adding extra memory to what I already had in the hope of 
getting better use of the Desktop CD for Edgy didn't make any difference.
Why could this problem with Grub have occured when we were using his drive?
He created partitions to keep some information which was on it as there were 
files that he wanted but if it had worked, he was going to take those files 
from it when he next came to my flat, let me have it and have it resized 
with enough of a partition for Windows for my Dual Boot PC. 

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