2wire router usb

NoOp glgxg at mfire.com
Mon Feb 26 21:53:55 UTC 2007

On 02/26/2007 11:03 AM, Leonel wrote:
> Hello
> I have a 2wire router and I need to connect an Ubuntu Edgy
> There's no ethernet only  USB
> I can't find any info to use the USB to connect to the net
> The router has a DHCP server and it connects to the dsl provider
> With windows ( yuck ) works with the usb  but I can't find info about how
> to connect to the router with the USB
> Any info ?
> Leonel

Should be pretty much the same as setting up for Redhat. From the 2wire

Red Hat Linux 7.2, 7.3 , 8.0

1.  Open the Network Administration Tool (redhat-config-network).

2.  Select Network Configuration.

    a.  DHCP Setup

    - Select DHCP for the Network Type.

    b.  Static Setup (Advanced)

    - Select Static IP for the Network Type.

    - Enter an IP in the range of the current HomePortal scheme
(172.16.x.x, 192.168.x.x, or 10.0.x.x)

    - Enter the Netmask (generally

    - Enter the Gateway (,, or

    - Enter the Name Server (same as above)

For Unbuntu:


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