Is that like an Apple ?

Joel Bryan Juliano joelbryan.juliano at
Wed Feb 28 23:30:17 UTC 2007

On 3/1/07, Patrick Newberry <PNewberry at> wrote:
> I just got a call from my local public service telephone company whom is
> my ISP for my dial up connection. Turns out they are going to be
> offering DSl in the next couple of weeks. The lady on the line ask if I
> wanted to get DSL and I said heck yes (I pay 21.95 for dial up and DSL
> is 39.95)
> She ask what which version of windows do I have and I told her I did not
> have window, but linux. There was this silence on the other end of the
> phone for a bit, then she ask: Is the like an Apple computer? I guess
> she had never heard of linux! Well I do live way out in the country.
> So anyway a couple of weeks from now I will go down and pick up my dsl
> modem. I have already google about dsl set up as I wanted know any thing
> I ask before I go down. Looks Like I need to ask if I have to use a
> specific IP address.
> Is there anything other configuration questions  I should ask when I go
> down to pick up my dsl modem?
> Thanks
> pat

Is it like apple?, hmm.. probably it's more like berries, because apples are
for sale. :-) Just kiddin'

Joking aside,

I think if the modem uses an ethernet port, then you don't have much
problems with drivers,
if it's using an static IP w/ login, you can use pppoeconfig, if it can
provide a dynamic IP or it is a DHCP server + modem, you can use it normally
without installing anything.

If it needs to be connected through USB/Serial/Parallel, then you will need
to check if a driver is available for LInux.

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