network newbie question

Patton Echols p.echols at
Wed Feb 28 16:43:42 UTC 2007

On 02/27/2007 12:14 PM, Wei-Yee Chan wrote:
> Mikael Backman wrote:
>> I want to see the windows box from ubuntu..  I have shared two folders
>> in windows..  But they don't show up in linux.. Sorry if these are very
>> basic questions..
> On your Windoze machine, right-click on the folder and choose
> "Properties".  Under the "Sharing" tab, give your share a name.  U
> should see a hand icon after that.
> Are U using Gnome?  If so, click on "Place" followed by "Network
> Servers".  Do U  see anything there?
> Make sure U have the packages libgnomevfs2-extra, smbclient,
> samba-common and smbfs installed. 
> Also ensure that your Windoze machine has a fixed IP.  

Is that really required?  My laptop, with basically a default Edgy 
install, can see shares on my office computers with static IPs.  It can 
also see the share on my home computer which has the IP assigned by 
DHCP.  (Perhaps it is just luck that the IP has not changed . . .)
> If your using
> your router as a DHCP server, configure your router to reserve a
> specific IP for your Windoze machine (refer to your router manual), for
> instance, 
> Alternatively, U could set the static IP on your Windoze machine.  If U
> do that, you'd have to set static IPs for your other machine(s) as well,
> to avoid IP conflicts.  

Well, you certainly need to do something to avoid conflicts.  But I find 
it easier to limit the DHCP server's available range. eg, my office 
router can assign addresses from  Machines that need 
static IPs are in the 2-9 range or 21+.


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