Copy everything bar one folder

SteVe Cook yorvik.ubunto at
Wed Feb 28 00:17:57 UTC 2007

Joel Bryan Juliano wrote:
> On 2/28/07, *SteVe Cook* <yorvik.ubunto at 
> <mailto:yorvik.ubunto at>> wrote:
> I want to copy everything bar one very large folder from my current 
> /home partition to another smaller partition and make this new
> partition /home.
> The only real problem I'm having is finding out how to copy all the 
> files bar one. I could copy a few at a time I suppose but that seems 
> rather long winded.
> Trawling round the web hasn't produced any answers.  Any body got any
> ideas
> SteVe
> Does bar means excluded mate? :-)
> Ok, supposed you have a bar directory, we can lorry the other files
> and gotten them copied to a destination directory.
> rsync --exclude=/home/bar -a /home /newhome
> You can always snuck in another --exclude= to rsync.
Thanks everybody for the replies, I knew there would be several options.
   The one from Cybe R. Wizard being the one I was trying to think of but

...and yes bar does mean except.  Not the best display of English, but 
my brain was getting a bit addle at by then. ;-)


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