network newbie question

Mikael Backman mback99 at
Tue Feb 27 20:39:22 UTC 2007

ons 2007-02-28 klockan 04:14 +0800 skrev Wei-Yee Chan:
> Mikael Backman wrote:
> > I want to see the windows box from ubuntu..  I have shared two folders
> > in windows..  But they don't show up in linux.. Sorry if these are very
> > basic questions..
> On your Windoze machine, right-click on the folder and choose
> "Properties".  Under the "Sharing" tab, give your share a name.  U
> should see a hand icon after that.
> Are U using Gnome?  If so, click on "Place" followed by "Network
> Servers".  Do U  see anything there?
> Make sure U have the packages libgnomevfs2-extra, smbclient,
> samba-common and smbfs installed. 
> Also ensure that your Windoze machine has a fixed IP.  If your using
> your router as a DHCP server, configure your router to reserve a
> specific IP for your Windoze machine (refer to your router manual), for
> instance, 
> Alternatively, U could set the static IP on your Windoze machine.  If U
> do that, you'd have to set static IPs for your other machine(s) as well,
> to avoid IP conflicts.  I prefer using the router as a DHCP server, as
> you'd only need to key in the IP for the machine serving files in the
> router, in this case, the Windoze machine.
> After you've done that, enter your Windoze machine name and IP in your
> Linux /etc/hosts file.
> Open a terminal window and type: sudo gedit /etc/hosts
> then add this entry
>    <windows-machine-name>
> without the <>.
> If you've got a firewall installed on your Linux machine that's got
> strict rules, you'll have to open the relevant ports.
> One more thing.  Make sure that the Linux user that's supposed to access
> the Windoze files exists on your Windoze machine too.
> Regards,
> Wei-Yee Chan
 Thank you for your very helpfull answer.. I'll try and implent it  :)

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