Home Directory Permissions

NoOp glgxg at mfire.com
Tue Feb 27 19:59:11 UTC 2007

On 02/26/2007 09:09 PM, Anthony M Simonelli wrote:
> Running Ubuntu 6.10 and LTSP5.  I've noticed that all of the folders in
> the /home directory are readable by other users.  Why is this?  Can I
> change that so only the owners can read, write, and execute files in
> their own home directory?  Will this affect anything system wide?  How
> do I go about doing this (chmod ?)

scroll down to " How to change files/folders permissions"

A useful way to do this as root in Nautilus:


Following the instructions you'll then be able to:
Applications|System Tools|File Browser (Root)

Then when you right click on the home folder:
There you can change the owner and permissions easily.

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