
email.listen at email.listen at
Mon Feb 26 23:33:18 UTC 2007

On Mon, 26. February 2007 18:37:41 Richard Nagle wrote:
> looking for a open forum database, that can use wiki style linking,
> to link docs, and text clips..etc, must a searching function.
> NOT Tomboy...pls (something with allot more power)
> Anyone?
ILIAS, should be powerfull enough. 

 ILIAS is an e-learning environment but it is also a very powerfull 
colaborative workplace for documentation purpose. Its capable to handle most 
every data format which is commonly used for documentation. ILIAS claims to 
support 'All kinds of formats, useable on the Internet'.
It has a full featured forum environment despite others it offers its forum 
functionality also as email-list, depends on a users choice.

 IMO the most powerfull tool you will find, not only in the free software 
ecosphere. I wish it would be offered as ubuntu package or at leat as 
edubuntu package. 

---8<--- from ILIAS feature list  ---8<--- 

1 Introduction

[...] The software was developed to reduce the costs of using new media in 
education and further training and to ensure the maximum level of customer 
influence in the implementation of the software.

 * ILIAS allows efficient creation of courses and course materials. It offers
   standardized tools and templates for the learning and working process
   including integrated navigation and administration.
 * Every user in ILIAS has their own Personal Desktop. In ILIAS, the
   assignment of roles determines user access to different tools, features and
 * The integrated authoring environment allows easy content creation of
   learning and working materials.
 * All kinds of formats, useable on the Internet, can be also adopted by
---8<--- ---8<---


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