creating a website like launchpad's

norman norman at
Mon Feb 26 17:09:56 UTC 2007

On Mon, 2007-02-26 at 16:17 +0000, Gabriel Dragffy wrote:
> I was browsing through 
> and I love it.
> What I really want is to mimic it, to have my own launchpad for my own 
> business. Is there a fairly simple way to do it?
> I mean is it possible to just download laucnhpad and work it on your 
> server, like wordpress or phpbulliten? Or is it possible to register 
> your own section on launchpad?
> I know I have made myself so clear, I guess the bottom line is: I want 
> my own launchpad!!

Why not get in touch with Canonical, I believe they own it. 


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